>>17398662>Palm Reading:Right hand: A line across the middle, something common amongst CEOs (most people who have this are really famous and successful). Uimama jokes about replacing YAGOO lol.
Left hand: A line from the ring finger going out, indicates being able to express emotions/convey a message well in singing, arts or the like. Also prevalent in people in the service industry, and can be a precedent of working too hard.
Tarot Cards:
Present: (Hierophant Upright)
Past: (Wheel of Fortune Upright)
There will be an inclination to learning new things, and a constant worry of whether or not it will succeed, but it will be fine as long as you go with the flow.
Future: (Devil Inverted) Mixing in raps into songs, changing up the genre to reggae/metal may be successful
Advice: Good financial fortune in business like new songs/CDs. Something related to Sora-chan's star hair accessory being sold will be famous as well.
copy pasted from somewhere.