>>17424288You are muslim because everyone of your chuubas has shit on their head or face.
>>17424567You subscribe to crunchyroll
>>17425017You are sexually attracted to autism
>>17425099you are sexually attracted to the colors pink and black
>>17425279You have two extremes: a woman has to be either smart or stupid as fuck to get your attention.
>>17425872You jerk off in the shower.
>>17426211You think arthouse films are true cinema and not pretentious horseshit.
>>17426488You have reddit gold.
>>17426618Sexually attracted to Autism.
>>17426853Also Sexually attracked to Autism.
>>17427075You have at least 20 porn tabs open when you jerk off
>>17427092You jerk off to SFM videos.
>>17427236You are mentally ill and find comfort in other mentally ill people.
>>17427290You have at least 3 open dating profiles.
>>17427319You like being Contrarian.
>>17427919You drink ketchup straight from the bottle.
>>17427506You are sexually attracted to stacies that will never love you.
>>17430326Also Lonely.
>>17430443You talk about under ground bands
>>17430963You play Koikatsu. Also you are Autistic.
>>17431193Your favorite movie is some underground german video of women shitting on each other.
>>17431271You hate the chinese.
>>17431475You are a lesbian.
>>17432117You are also a lesbian.
>>17433052You listen to iTunes top 100 songs on the radio.
>>17433276you open two normal chrome tabs and hide your porn tab in the middle of it and think nobody will notice.
>>17434117MILF fetish
>>17434569You shitpost on main
>>17434612You've never had sex with a man but you'd be open to it.
>>17435059You've never had sex with a woman but you'd be open to it.
>>17435132You've never had sex period.