>>17545882>Can i be mad at how mori handeled the 3d announcment without beeing called a shizo?You can be mad about how mori handled the 3D announcement without being a schizo, for sure
You can't be mad about how mori handled the 3D announcement without being CALLED a schizo, but this has everything to do with the kind of people infesting this thread and nothing to do with the validity of your anger at Mori
A half-ass bored announcement at the end of an unrelated stream with no indication the announcement was coming would be bullshit if it was your own merch or your own song cover you were announcing; the fact that it involves other Holos pushes it from bullshit to genuinely shitty; the fact that it was for literally one of the most anticipated things in Myth's entire career pushes it from genuinely shitty to astoundingly awful; the fact that she also made the announcement for her her senpais in an entirely separate branch who have been patiently waiting for this for even longer pushes it from astoundingly awful to fucking mindbogglingly malicious.
Part of the appeal of Hololive is its genuine respect for pomp and circumstance and tradition and hype. But it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that Mori doesn't give a fuck about any of that, even though she understands the need for hype well enough to state she's going to make a formal announcement of her Jojo karaoke.
Let that sink in, she wants to give her Jojo karaoke a formal announcement but she thinks HOLOLIVE ENGLISH GENERATION 1 CONFIRMED PERFORMING LIVE IN 3D doesn't warrant a formal announcement.