>>17695119She's slowly gotten a bit better. She's eating bits of normal food again like applesauce, oatmeal, and rice. She's started moving around her room a bit with a bit of assistance, and she wants to eventually leave her house again, but it's all far in the future. Part of it probably had to do with her mental state helping her physical state, but a lot of it would have to do with the massive amount of money she's making now allowing her to better take care of her medical needs so she can actually treat her condition properly. Her biggest hurdle right now is making sure she gets her plasma on time regularly, because no matter how much money she has, she can't control the plasma shortage going on currently, so she just has to hope she can get it consistently because she gets worse the longer time goes between treatments. Before her birthday awhile back she nearly with a month without plasma and she sounded awful. Her voice was just completely wrecked, couldn't barely scream when she was hyped up about stuff, things like that.