>>17860502"i'm a perfectionist so its hard for me to start anything unless i can do it perfect"
no that's called "risk adverse" and it's a highly common psychological trait of first born or lone children
the fact this schizto still lives at home, only underlines the fact he's probably a low t, risk adverse special snowflake who's never kissed a girl.
his passive aggressive bullshit highlights the fact he probably grew up with a single mother or his father was largely absent in his youth, with parents who were likely was a snowplow parent.
all the passive voice in his writing underlines the fact he's not very smart (passive voice writing is usually a sign of mediocre intelligence and a high impression of his own brains) and has a large ego
so we have a brainlette who thinks he's smart, is absurdly risk adverse, thinks he's better then his job, and narcissistic enough to believe sending some girl who made over 1mil in superchats last year alone that his $220 in superchats will make him her special guy, and have her read his horribly written screed live on stream and will become the deadbeat who "saves" her.
somehow i think he probably imagined that she'd want to fuck him at the end of this somehow.
this is some classic cringe shit. amazing, how did i miss this one? not a deadbeat but i'm here enough this shouldn't be new to me.