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No.17909256 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can someone recommend me one (1) EN vtuber that isn't horny? Just a single EN vtuber that doesn't talk about booba. A single one that doesn't pretend to coom over thighs. A single one that doesn't talk about watching porn. A single one that doesn't talk about cock or sucking cock. A single one that doesn't talk about her period blood. A single one that doesn't spend 8 minutes diverting the stream so she can pretend to get horny over a video game ass. A single one that doesn't talk about her fetishes. A single one that doesn't talk about little boy cum. A single one that doesn't shamelessly /u/bait with her co-workers. A single one that doesn't constantly talk about "boing boing." A single one that doesn't talk about her self-insert trauma induced age regression loli fetish. A single one that doesn't hornybait her chat with her comically balloon-like tits. A single one that doesn't talk about masturbation all the time.
A single one. Just one. Please. I just want a nice, funny streamer with an anime avatar that can go one 2 hour session without talking about these things. I'm desperate. Please. I'm getting burnt out on the constant horny.