Yeah, there is something seriously wrong with Haachama VOD and it’s not just “natural recline”.
She doesn’t get this little VOD views since Jan 2020, after which she rarely failed to break 100k on her hour or so long VODs.
On top of the fact she reclined (and I say that as a die hard Haaton since her OP was her room and herself spinning Haaton) I have three theories
1) that theory that mixing “short videos” and VODs in the same channel reduces the recommendation range for the VODs
2) that theory that by removing her own monetization she flagged her channel as low priority for the algo to recommend, resulting in less recommendations
3) that her eroi hijinks finally caught up to her and she got somehow shadowbanned
2) and 3) are backed by the coincidence of her VOD recline coming exactly after the Marine collab and subsequent self demonetization.
Even with the inconsistency she has a recent stream of less than an hour at 150k or so views so whatever is happening now is new