>>18119004I understand that you are a retarded normalnigger cattle who cannot think so I will give you an analogy. Life is like a series of train stations. From your birth to your death, you ride a train, get off, rush to get to the next one, get on, ride a train, and so on and so forth. Most people never really give much thought to this process. They just move along with everyone else and get on and off trains when everyone else does and ride the same distance as everyone else does and even though they don’t go through the exact same train stations, in the end they all end up going through pretty much the same path. Maybe normalfag A goes through station A1->B5->C2…->Z8, while normalfag B goes through station A2->B1->C5…->Z10. That is all. But if you’re different, something goes wrong. Maybe it was your fault, maybe it was the world’s fault, maybe it was no one’s fault at all. But you miss the train. Maybe if you’re lucky you can get on the next one but even if you do you’re one train behind everyone else, always playing catch up, always a little bit too far behind. Most likely though, you’ve already fallen behind, and you can’t even catch the next train. Or the train after that, or after that, or after that… Eventually you look up at the sky and you realize it’s night and last call already came and went. Now what? Even if some train magically came by and rescued you, you would only have reached the next station, meanwhile everyone else kept going and going and going… and it’s not like there’s any train coming for you anyways. So you just wander aimlessly around the empty station, all by yourself, dividing zero by zero, killing time forever… and then some retarded fucking normalfaggot like you comes in, and tries to talk to you about how to get on the next fucking train, because apparently that’s all you fucking need and you’ll just be fixed, since that’s what worked for everyone else right? You don’t know shit about anything, so just shut the fuck up and leave. You clearly don’t belong here.