>>18111363Not really, aside from the fact their audience is much smaller, the boys have made it well known that they don't like those kind of obsessive behaviors from their gachis and discourage them plenty, even MaFia who do BFE quite a lot, AsuIzu is even known to be downright brutal to any fan that falls into that and tries to cause problems, not to mention that most of them collab quite a lot with female chuubas (heck, Roberu even has the whole "did all of Animare" thing going on and fans from both sides are more amused than anything else, not to mention how often Regular tease him about marriage) and some even talk about past relationships or wanting to get hooked in the future (Nothings are well aware of the kind of woman Izuru wants to get together with and Astellas know about Astel's previous ventures for example).
As such the fans they have attracted aren't really of the obsessive kind so if it came out that one of them was in a relationship most of their fans would be supportive of the boys and those that tried to make a ruckus would be quickly stomped out by everyone, the Stars especially.