I hope that (you) are paying attention to this in a deeper sense, especially if you're a younger man or a teenager. This is how things are. Women will never be held accountable for their deeds and everything will be broken over your back, not theirs. It's not some hypothetical feminist organization or even other women that will shit on you and try to destroy you, but other men. Your fathers, uncles, brothers, friends and random strangers who were buckbroken and learned to love the whip. Their reasoning is slimy of course - any man who "supports" women in situations such as these is either trying to fuck her and/or virtue signalling that he's a "nice guy" for social brownie points and as a dating strategy to show women that he is indeed a cuck who will accept any behavior. You should always, always assume and make peace with the fact that no matter how much you tried to be a good person or adhered to this or that standard, women will ALWAYS be the "victim" and you will always be bullied, attacked and vilified.
Under no circumstances trust or respect men who act like that. They are lesser beings who will backstab you and will betray you at any given moment, or the slightest whiff of a presence of a female. You only have yourself, so make yourself as strong as steel. Internally and externally. You, me and that Anon over there are essentially at war with a decayed, poisonous world and all its legions, and no help or kindness is forthcoming. You only have yourself, so learn to love yourself and be the best man you can be. Not "good" mind you, for a "good" wolf is a hungry wolf. Be effective, strong, capable, and always ready to pounce. Everyone around you is a hyena, and they will and do hold you to impossible, crippling standards they themselves do not adhere to - and neither should you. Learn to disregard bullshit and grasp whatever prize you want. Leave ethics, morals and pearl clutching to the worthless. Simply, learn to be indifferent to mindless weakening drivel that comes from the general culture, media, women, cuckolds etc. It's all lies.
Rushia lied and manipulated her audience. For four years. If she were honest she'd do a special stream where she'd explain she is now in a relationship, and thank her gachikoi and unicorns deeply, affectionately, but make it clear she is changing her content and feel. This would've been the right thing to do of course, but women never do the right thing - and there was money to be made by exploiting men. Ergo this situation we're in now. Ergo the ridiculous notion that she's a "victim." She is the predator, and an effective one. Never trust women or Americans.