>>18342731rice is king of carbs, so be aware of amounts you eat. Ideally, so long it's not ruining your body:
-only steamed or boiled food
-no pasta
-no rice, no flour based products, no potatoes
-broccoli and chicken breasts forever, buckwheat if you can't eat broccoli anymore, some fish on weekly basis, steamed of course.
-raw fruits and veggies a lot, nuts a little bit
-no rich sauces. hint - garlic, ginger and scallions go pretty long way as condiments, so long as you don't mind the smell. some onions sauce, vinegar, sesame oil and chili oil mixed in different proportions as sauce or dressings if it's fucking unbearable.
-minimize your sugars, but don't forget to treat yourself from time to time
-be aware of sodium intake
-supplements cause such diet can be pretty unbalanced
-lots of water
-maximum physical activity you comfortable with, don't overload yourself tho, injuries are fucky and can haunt you for the rest of your life