>>19093427It's not every other board, just /pol/ and /v/. Basically anywhere /qa/ users shared posters with. Before /vt/ was created, /qa/ was constantly trying to "ruin" the hololive threads by posting doxx / wojacks / frogs etc. and flooding /jp/ with a bunch of poor falseflags so they could get "kicked off" to trash by the mods.
When their plan failed and /vt/ got created, they tried to do the same thing here but then got publicly lynched with a stickied thread showing a ban on wojack and frog posting. This caused a lot of them to fuck off back to /qa/ and their home boards, but then /qa/ got nuked which pissed them off permanently.
Basically, only boards filled with /qa/ diaspora loathe vtubers (aka /v/, /pol/) while other boards like them (/ck/, /fit/, /an/, /wsg/, etc.)