My take on the final yab after having eyed through a couple of these threads for my private amusement:
>Cover hires some 4channer, much like many in EN1 appear to have been
>She makes some totally subtle and clever reference to 4chan that this site loves, but is completely unsubtle and unfunny to everyone else
>Also political, but according to 4chan it isn't, because they agree with the message
>Fans elsewhere try their hardest to ignore it, although there are always vtweeter antis with 2 followers and 5 retweets
>These get posted on 4chan and generate outrage both amongst the permatriggered /pol/tards and the leftoid tweeters lurking for their daily outrage
>Clicks soar so that a literal who now has the attention of good part of the internet
>Cover can't ignore it any longer, so they order 4chan's darling on vacation for 3 months and hope it blows over
>4chan does not forgive, although it does forget that this is the standard procedure, and so the outrage boils over, fueling more outrage on Reddit and Twitter and wherelse
>There are now clickbait articles slamming the entire industry, because clickbait journalists don't care about possible differences between companies or any other kind of nuance
>These get linked on 4chan by /pol/tards looking for their daily outrage and consequently other people lurking for their daily outrage copy them and post them on Reddit, Twitter etc.
>Japanese management unable to withstand the pressure pulls the plug on EN
>Outrage on 4chan only grows, fueling outrage elsewhere as leftoids smell blood and go in for the kill
>Eventually investors decide to pull the plug to save face, the entire industry dies
>Years later, 4chan is still convinced that their darling chuuba did nothing wrong with her now proverbially subtle, intelligent, and non-political references and they themselves were only fighting the good fight