I'm going to work through my current Elden Ring-induced frustration by walking to the store and buying some tea, but before that I'm also going to say that my oshi, Mori Calliope, is extremely fucking cute and I don't give a flying fuck about what any SEAnigger, dramafag, or catalogschizo has to say about it. Her music is great, her streams are fun, and it makes me proud to see her work hard and enjoy the company of her fellow holomem because god damn it she loves her job, her deadbeats (me), and that sure is shit isn't changing anytime soon, nor is she going anywhere, and fuck you for ever thinking otherwise.
You know who else is fucking cute? Takanashi Kiara. Her ESLisms and Euro-bluntness are both endearing and incredibly refreshing. I really, really admire her ability to speak what on her mind frankly, and the fact that she wears her heart on her sleeve is always a great reminder that these girls are incredibly emotional and human (a good thing). She's been there for my oshi plenty of times and the two of them were incredibly important to one another in those early months, so I'll never disrespect her. KFP, some of you act like histrionic women, but I respect that you've held fast through some pretty relentless shitposting all this time. Eggs are pathetic wastes of space, and I'm always happy to be of assistance in kicking their shit in. Treasure your oshi, you feathered fucks.
You know who else is fucking cute? Ninomae Ina'nis. She's so chill and such a balancing force in EN as a whole. I nearly fucking cried when she finally got her first hug with Ame the other night, and I'm gonna keep crying the bitchest tears when she gets around to completing her collection. She's also an actual fucking professional, and it shows with how levelheaded she is. She's a cute nerd, and I love that her and my oshi can just dork out whenever they get together. Don't give up on her, takos, because she's not about to give up on you.
You know who else is fucking cute? Gawr Gura. I fucking love Gura. She's so effortlessly charming and funny and a real exceptional talent. She's also extremely sweet and a huge softy even if makes her embarrassed. I really do believe her and Mori are able to bring out the best in each other, and I will always hold dear the absolutely glowing words and sentiments and heartfelt admiration the two of them have for each other. Mori's dream is to perform with her in 3D, so I hope chumbuds can curb their schizoposting and bear with her until then. She's an absolute gem, so don't fuck it up.
You know else is fucking cute? Amelia Watson. It can hardly be overstated how pivotal the work she's put into HoloEN is, even if it seems that way sometimes because teamates can never shut the fuck up about it. It's safe to say that without her pushing boundaries and experimenting, EN would hardly be as colorful and exciting of a place for us to obsessively nitpick and discuss day in and day out. The way Ame teases Mori is unlike any other dynamic she has with anyone in EN and I crave more of it. And teamates, if nothing else, I admire your ability to completely derail whatever schizo timeloop is dominating the threads as soon as Ame takes so much as a single breath, even if I think Gosling spam is annoying as shit. She's something special, not just to you, but to all of us, so cherish her damn it
It goes without saying that Council & IRyS are also really fucking cute. Ever since they joined, Mori's been beaming with joy at playing her role as senpai and they've all played a big part of bringing out a bunch of her best qualities. I could go on about how fucking sweet I think her friendship with IRyS, Bae, and Mumei is, or how cute the socially awkward song and dance between her and Fauna is, or the amusing dynamic she has with Sana and Kronii and go into all of their great points equally because they're also all extremely precious and great additions to hololive, but it's hard to keep up my aggression the longer this goes on because all it's done is just remind me how much I fucking love hololive and all the girls in it, and even you motherfuckers, even if these threads annoy the shit out of me sometimes
Fuck antis, fuck shitposters, fuck tribalists, fuck doxxshitters, fuck catalogniggers, fuck schizos, and fuck that goddamn goathorse who can't seem to ever jump where I tell him to jump. I'm getting my tea