>>19473560“Online artists” are by and large a bunch of crybaby jobbers who want the world to hold their hand and ease their road into not having a real job. That’s why they moralfag all day about their fucking doodles. Why the fuck should anyone give one flying fuck about your “artist” dreams? Yet they want you to, and call everything “tracing” and “plagiarism” to try and get a mob going along with their whims every. fucking. time.
The artist in this case wasn’t even upset about it. But the collective shitholery that is “online artists” couldn’t just let it pass because, if they did, it would become obvious that it’s not a real life or death issue. And they need it to be, so that morons on twitter can “take their dreams (of never having a real job) seriously!” and so go along with them next time they need to boo-hoo to the world about how hard it is to make a living out of making children’s drawings.
Fucking chuds, the lot of them. If you made the choice to pursue something as fickle and unsecure as “art” for a living, then be a fucking adult about it and bite that bullet.
Don’t run around crying about “how unfair and mean this world is, if only people weren’t mean, my cartoons would make me rich! Help me, guise! Help me tell everyone to stop being mean!”
Just fucking deal with it like an adult, and if you think Cover plagiarized your work for merchandise, hire a fucking lawyer, instead of boo-hooing about it in hopes the world accomodates your childishness yet again.