>>19572055By age 5 kids nudity and society's privacy rules, but probably don't fully comprehend why it's wrong. It's why they stop running around naked and why girls around age 7 start to want privacy when bathing and changing clothes.
By age 10, most children can have a basic and fairly realistic understanding of puberty, how “babies are made,” pregnancy, and childbirth, because they were taught this 4 years ago. Kids around the age of 10-13 (middle schoolers) would fully understand physical sexual activity if they were given accurate sources of information for it, which doesn't happen because parents and society do not want to go into full detail about this. For safety reasons they take a shut-it-lock-it approach telling them to wait till they are older or suffer repercussions. Essentially banning sex. While also convincing the rest of society that kids experimenting with each other is problematic sexual behavior. Since internet porn is so readily available the vast majority of kids will get it through that. An inaccurate portrayal of sex and intimacy. Depending on what they searched for could also give them warped values, fake incest porn is pretty popular on pornhub.
The argument that they don't fully comprehend stems from parents telling them it is wrong to have sex till they're older, that the majority don't get that discovery experience (only 7-10% are involved in sexual activity by age 13), and porn giving a wildly inaccurate view on sex. Like nudity, they don't understand why it's wrong when in reality it isn't wrong at all for them to experiment, it's human nature.
I don't have any argument to offer, but just want to dispel the whole "they don't understand it" bullshit which stems from westerners terrible sex ed. Their brains are fully capable of understanding it, they are just not given the opportunity to experience it or are told they shouldn't experience it. Until they are in highschool, when most learn it was not all it was cracked up to be.