>>19834220>start of some big revolution or scheme against HLOh my jesus fucking christ. I had never even considered any of those posters serious.
Genuinely who even fucking wants that. Autistic nijiniggers? I'm surprised you didn't mentally filter that shit the moment you saw it. Please don't think the "Fandead" who post about hating Cover aren't falseflaggers. I've tagged every single EOP Fandead that posts on this board and most major ones on Twitter and their circles(both EOP and JOP)
and even manipulated some retards on Reddit and Discord over the course of a few days to become a mod and admin on their EOP riddled hovels to make sure I have an iron grip on every single EOP Fandead so that I can effectively purge our ranks of cancers and I've yet to see a single unironic Fandead with that attitude.
I've actually managed to convert a person who posted memes about incels being mad about Rushia having a boyfriend into a literal gachikoi who wants her to be single in the process. I will convert them all.