>>1992178It really isn't difficult to tell certain sign but, as someone who isnt "legally" licensed, I can't diagnose someone. But, yeah Moona does exhibit a lot of typical signs
> Poor Social SkillsShe is very obviously a quiet person even during her collabs she barely talks and if she does it has to be initiated by someone else
> Detail-orientedHer OCD is a very VERY big detail that many over look as a jokey symptom but, many autistic children do infact have this in spades.
> PersistenceShe always seems to want to finish something she has started regardless of what is in her way, which again many autistic kids do. Hell take most autistic kids and put a lego set in front of them, many of them will actually get mad and or depressed if they are not allowed to see it through till the end.
> Not Socially-driven Her lack of initiating collaborations is a big giver of that.
>Opening up to very few peopleBesides some of her ID friends and Peko she doesnt really seem to like anyone or try to at least. Which I know from experience with a friend of mine who is on the spectrum it is very hard for them to open up to someone new, but when they do they are almost bonded to you in a weird way.
Again these symptoms and traits are only some things that tip me off that she has something going on, but of course a lot of it can also be up to the fact that her parents maybe never pushed her to make friends or overly sheltered her which can also be misunderstood as being autistic. But, if I had to put some money on it, I would say 100% Moona if not autistic is at least on the spectrum.