If she wanted to make it a tournament, she should've gotten people signed up ahead of time instead of hoping people will show up. This ain't Field of Dreams. Also, if she wanted to make it a race, have them stream at the same time while also having a mini window that shows the other competitors playing on their own screen as well so they don't have to switch between POVs. Is there any prize for this? If not make some kind of prize like, the winner gets a collab ticket with for all the losers that they can use at any time. And finally, even though it would change the tournament, make it Getting Over It tournament instead since that'll lower the skill barrier and more people can play and show up. Optional: The other vtubers that don't participate can act as cheerers and coaches for whoever is participating in the tournament to add some flavor commentary. There, I fixed your tournament that gets more people involved and doesn't leave as mnay people out of it like Jump King.