>>Reposting >>20286990 Things to be voted on:
Regarding thread management:
>Do we want a rep to be responsible for making posts like this one, where matters are voted on? Y/NSimilar to the representative suggestion before, I am proposing this thread itself has one anon, most likely a representative of a thread, be the head of committee of sorts (ESL so idk what to call this in English, hopefully you get what I mean), who will gather all matters that need to be decided on in one post, so that the various nations' responses are all in one place and we can actually reach a decision in a timely manner.
>>The next 4 matters to be voted on are related to the above:>Would such a position be permanent or rotating?ie Would it be just one thread making the posts, or would responsibility be handed to a different thread at set intervals
>What would you suggest is a sensible time (ie day of the week/month, also time of day) for the vote post to be made, and how long should the votes be kept open?>Should a different anchor post, similar to the prompt and lore ones, be made each thread for people to attach their suggestions to, that can then be voted on the vote post? Y/N>Do you prefer a voting system like this one, where reps reply on one post and their answers are gathered at the end and summarized, or using poal links?Regarding the map:
>A decision has to be made regarding /jp/; is it in an alternate dimension, is it on our current planet? If it is the latter, is it on the surface, but not shown on maps, or underground?Feel free to add your own suggestions as well.
>Connected to the above, is the vt planet Earth sized? Y/N. If N, what alternatives do you suggest?>As a matter of fact, what should the name of the planet be?>Should /fbk/'s and /mion/'s locations be swapped? Y/N>Should /OKFAMS/ be also added on the map, perhaps around the area of /duck/, /mogu+/doog/, /fbk/, /mion/? Y/NSuggestions for alternative locations, size, borders are also appreciated
>Should /pyon/ get their rabbit island(s)? Y/NSuggestions on locations, shapes and sizes are also appreciated
>If Y to the above, what should happen with the now empty /pyon/ location? If N, should /pyon/ remain where they are or be moved to an already existing island around them?>Should the land acquisition of /who/ over /uuu/ be voided? Y/NIf Y, suggest alternatives
>Should /israel/ and [insert another new thread I forgot the name of] be added on the map? Y/N>If Y, where?>Similarly, regarding any new threads added from here on out, what do you propose is done for them to acquire land?>What should happen at the poles?Regarding the Rushia situation:
>Multiple lore proposals have been made in this thread, following a brief a explanation of what transpired during the incident from a fandead, however nothing concrete was decided upon to be anchored. Ideally, we would get an in-universe lorepost from a/the Rushia representative. I see that may be difficult, so reply to this question with your own lore, either by writing one now or linking a previous post.>Similarly, for chuubas that graduate, or vt-related threads not tied to any specific chuuba fading away, should a set way to erase them from the map be decided upon or should it be investigated on a case-by-case basis?>Regarding Jannies and the smiting that may or may not be incorporated into Rushia lore; what are they in regards to our world/pantheon, and what effects and powers do they have?Specifically, assuming their existence is acknowledged, what can be said for eg /meat/, that gets deleted on a regular basis?
Regarding Chuubanite:
>Is Chuubanite the final name we want the material to have? Y/NIf N, suggest alternatives
>Is it radioactive? Y/N>Does it differ from nation to nation, meaning it absorbs some of the qualities of the thread ruling over the area it is in, or is it a simple element which is used differently by separate nations depending on their lore?>If the answer to the above is the former, what happens when the land the chuubanite is on changes owner?>Is Chuubanite only found in the ground initially, then spread around by plants/humans/bacteria/planetary natural processes, or does everything inherently have Chuubanite in them, like mana?I appreciate this is a long ass post, but these are matters we need some answers to if we want to move forward cohesively.
Feel free to add your own suggestions at the end of your posts. We will likely need a Round 2 of a vote post, as some questions ask for suggestions, so they can be discussed then.
I will gather all responses to this post, and the respective post that gets reposted in the next thread, *on Thursday 20:00 UTC*, so please respond in a timely manner.
This post itself is at the character limit, so answering will take multiple posts
Also, if
>>20304482 and
>>20305889 could reply to this post it'd help me out later. btw /meat/ you missed the /who/ / /uuu/ question, not sure if you're abstaining
>>20306260kek this is gold