>>20353681Take her hunting, use her to gut and butcher the animals. You return home, and she seems in high spirits. A few days later, she wants to go again. You repeat this for a while, but she becomes very insistent after you tell her you can't fit any more meat in your freezer. You deny her demands for around a week, whereafter she returns to her normal self, albeit with a little more energy.
You begin to hear rumours of various people disappearing around town, even a couple of high profile figures like a wolf-girl from Hololive. Mio, you think her name was.
You think nothing of it, but for your own protection, you start carrying Anya (in her blade form) with you when you leave the home.
As the weeks stretch to months, Anya becomes increasingly emotive, edging closer to yandere rather than her previously aloof personality. She might be a little crazy, but the sex is next level, so you're more than happy to overlook her quirks.
This all comes to an end when, after finding work at a new company, you spend the night out at a local bar with your new co-workers. As always, you bring your trusty dagger, knowing she'll keep you safe. Unfortunately for your handsy female co-worker, Anya isn't so concerned about others' wellbeing.
As you drag your drunk co-worker back to her home, she attempts to inappropriately sexually assault you, at which point you try to gently push her away. Anya, outraged by her actions, takes this opportunity to slaughter her where she stands, painting the road with a fine red mist.
Giggling with glee at her job-well-done, she returns to your side, cuddling up to you, murmuring "You're safe now. She won't hurt you, darling"
You manage to smile to her, but inside, you're terrified, as the clues all click. You realise that your cute little dagger was that serial killer all along.
You continue to live with Anya, but you're afraid now. Who else will she kill? How can you stop her? How long until she comes for you? How have the police not arrested you on suspicion of murder for your co-worker when you were the last known person she interacted with?