>>20342300>HololiveBlack company.
Doesn’t support their talent to produce music.
Post public announcement to say that they will protect their talents, but do nothing when actually needed.
But actually about their talents and wish success to everyone. Will do stuff like actively helping the less successful talents (stars) using the money from the most successful ones. Today even the less successful holo make a living.
>NijisanjiBlack company.
Doesn’t support their talents either. (same as holo)
Will make public announcement, but still fail to protect their talents. (same as holo)
Will not support their less successful talents and instead leave them behind to die while the sprout out more waves. Half of their talents don’t make a living and they’re ready to lay off 50+ talents from their sister company.
So worse than holo, I would say.
>VshojoNot an agency. Does not manage vtubers.
Vshojo is just a bunch of indies under the same name with a fake company composed literally one guy. The talents have to do EVERYTHING themselves, basically zero support.
Not only they won’t protect their talents against drama, but the talents will have to defend themselves instead of getting an professional announcement.
Objectively worse than a black company.
But whatever you think, it’s still not as bad as real idols agencies. Their talents are not underage, they’re not involved in border-line child porn, the pay cut for the talents is fair and they are not even nearly as controlling.