Looks like I ruffled some feathers from seething shitters who like Apex. It's literally impossible to die instantly in Apex unless someone headshots you with a Kraber, which is a super rare weapon. Compare that to other games where you can get headshot with a number of weapons and instantly killed. Every champion has health and shields, both of which can be recharged. In addition there are abilites that provide even more shields, there are shields when you get knocked down, and even after you die you can be revived. This all leads to a higher time to kill, and generally speaking, more time spent alive. Apex is much more forgiving than a game like PUBG or CSGO or even COD Warzone, which while it has replaceable armor and health, still has a vastly lower TTK. This is good for Holos because they are Japanese women, probably the worst segment ever to play FPS. Apex allows for more content because they spend a longer time alive, running around, they can make cute noises when they are shot at, they can make panicked noises when they run, Aqua breathing heavily is funny as shit. The meta is literally to chip away at people, which leads to longer, drawn out fights, which is better content then the Holo being dead or sitting in lobby. The reason why it's fun to watch someone like Botan play Battlefield or Warzone or other less forgiving games is that she's good enough that she can stay alive for more than a few seconds. And she was Predator in Apex as well, she can go entire games without dying (read WINNING), because ontop of her actual innate skill, the game is very forgiving.