Going to preempt someone inevitably asking for a QRD:
>Layna commissioned to make a figurine by Bunny
>Bunny is a pain of a client. Not only is she constantly asking for revisions, but she keeps making excuses as to why she's refusing to advertise/announce the product she herself requested despite Layna being finished with the final design. Annoying, but nothing drama-worthy.
>During these months Bunny invites Layna to a private cosplayer discord called "Cherry Bombs"
>There Layna is first-hand witness to a lot of very toxic behavior by Bunny. She constantly accuses other girls of copying her, body shame them, make up rumors, pressuring friends to retweet her stuff, weaponize her friend circle and community, etc.
>No one says anything because she's the bigshot among the cosplayer circle they're in.
>One day Bunny is chewing out someone for not retweeting one of her posts. Layna finally had enough and objected. Bunny was pissed and left the discord.
>Bunny begins turning her attacks on Layna. For weeks kept slandering her, saying Layna attacked her, even going so far as to reach out to Layna's business partners and try to sabotage deals. (Despite still being in a business relationship with Layna for the model)
>On top of that Bunny was not fulfilling her end of the contract, refusing to take photos for prints to be included with collectors edition of the model. Realizing that this was going to drag on for months while enduring sabotage by Bunny's clique, she gave up. Layna fired Bunny as a client and terminated the product.
>The project is terminated. Refund time. Bunny kept $2100 in pre-order money, while Layna took on $20000 in debt paying back pre-orders out of her pocket. Without Bunny's assistance.
>Bunny tells others Layna cut-and-run with the pre-order money and slander her in general.
>Layna reaches a breaking point. Layna reveals is one of the reasons she is now a vtuber and completely refuses to ever facecam ever again; she was afraid of weaponized social media bullying by Bunny and felt more secure hiding behind an avatar.
>Bunny still continues sabotaging relationships. Other streamers or vtubers Layna would reach out to and initially be on good terms with would suddenly block or ghost her, and Layna concluded that Bunny was the likely cause of this.
>Layna keeps her head low to avoid trouble. But finally reaches another breaking point recently when another streamer, Bahroo, blocked her despite Layna having never spoken to them before.
>Layna goes public not only with this story, but a huge pile of screenshots and business receipts that back up her claim. So this isn't a he-said, she-said situation; it looks very, very bad for Bunny.