>>21055790All references and "based on" list so far by author, (not including what kurose added).
>Anime/mangaBerserk, Fullmetal alchemist, Terraformars, Hunterxhunter, Fate series, Silver spoon, Medaka box, Sword art online, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu, Gunnm, Ghost in the shell, Slayers, Record of lodoss war, Ragnarok the animation, idolmaster cinderella girls, Puella magic madoka magica, Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon.
>Games.Halo, Dark souls, Doom, Shadowrun, Dragon quest, Dragon's crown, Warhammer40k, Final fantasy, Mobile Suit Gundam AGE, Dungeon & dragons.
>MoviesThe seven samurais, Star wars, Conan the barbarian.
>ComicsBatman, The Punisher, Deadpool
>BooksLotR, The Shadow over Innsmouth, The dark tower, Lensman, Starship troopers, Dragonlance and Steve Jackson's Sorcery!.