>>21055595nta, but really, many of the girls aren't objectively all that entertaining either, despite their fanboys protestations, and are basically mostly just carried by the massive brand buff which comes nowadays with six figure subcounts even before debut (so without you actually even demonstrating your supposed "entertainment qualities") and a loyal fanbase that would even tune in by the thousands to watch a piece of cardboard dry paint, as long as it only has the coveted blue triangle next to their name that compels them to. Case in point, imagine the talents outside of the Hololive brand and the above benefits it provides (easy as we have evidence, as many of them had been streamers/creators before), doing the same "entertaining" (boring) stuff as they do now (talking, minecraft, apex, whatever) and all but a handful few who are actually naturally gifted entertainers would see their numbers shrink to a tenth or so, because the truth is most of them aren't all that "entertaining" on their own and it is mostly just a halo effect from the brand they're with. Take that away, and most would sink again