Suggestion that I've been thinking for a while:
Regarding the way reps communicating in the thread would translate into the game, I don't think it would be practical to have that follow traditional means of communication, as any deal of eg /nasa/ and /risu/ would require months of travel to even arrange a meeting, nevermind any follow-up meetings and conversations.
As such, I would suggest an alternative system: all reps are able to communicate through a device to a central room in area controlled by /vtwbg/, where meetings and discussions would be held.
Such a device would be an artifact, bestowed upon us by jannies/deities/the powers that (w)be(g), and only one per nation exists. They may be magical, or contain technology advanced enough that it may as well be magic. They would be non-reverse-engineerable, apart from maybe /nasa/ and /rbc/ (though it can become a definitive yes or no through discussion),and indestructible.
Their single and only use would be to communicate with other devices of this type, though we'd have to establish whether communication between eg 2 parties is only possible by connecting to the meeting room, meaning anyone can join in and hear them, whether private 1-to-1 or group communications are possible, whether logs/archives of conversations remain afterwards, whether the meeting centre would also act as a relay station etc
The way multiple people from one thread sharing their opinions could be handled could be that they are in the room with the rep that possesses the device, or that the rep has given them permission to use it in their absence. Of course, it being stolen remains a possibility, unless we somehow bind it to only permitted users, if we want to do that.
This would not mean that travel times won't matter anymore, as this only concerns communications at the highest level. Reps would have to transfer the information to their respective country leaders/councillors/ministers/generals etc, who would then need to send their own messengers. This means that, for example, even if /rose/ and /kfp/ establish a trade deal, it would still take days/weeks of preparation plus however many months of travel for the trade to actually take place.
I feel this is a good suggestion to rid us of some time constraints we've been handwaving so far, as the time periods required for all of everything that happened since the thread started would add up significantly even now, but more so as time passed. We've already ignored however many months the /risu/-/inf/ rode construction would've taken, in what I assume is the name of creative writing, so I'd prefer we didn't stack up too many timeskips.