Congratulations to Watame for reaching her goal of 1.2m Subscribers! She worked really hard to reach these heights and sang a boat load of songs for us to jam out to and she seriously earned it. Watamates, be proud of what your oshi has accomplished and what she will continue to accomplish as she continues to be the coolest and sweetest sheep in the entire world.'s looking like a real Alice in Wonderland character on this fine day as she heals your hearts with a beautiful karaoke session with some kind of twist to it. If you want to know what the twist is then it's time for you to jump into the stream. is in the house and he's inviting you to come into his house and you gotta do the Japanese customs and I can't bring it to myself to make any kind of Cman joke, they just blow. I can't make such a bang with those summaries you know. Impregnation joke. the dragon slayer is still not scared of any kind of beast or knight who thinks they can handle this muscle bound, strength only, mace swinging behemoth of a lady. All of her opponents who casually step up to her as if they're able to defeat her in combat really regret their actions after getting totally pounded into the ground in the blink of an eye. It's kino Elden Ring play.'s ever so close to getting that Gold Pot! Only 14 more clears to go before she reaches it! And she still need 32k Subs to make it to 1m subscribers. If she keeps going at this pace, she'll definitely complete her goal of getting the gold pot before reaching 1m Subs. Go Mio Go! Closing Shift streams still continue on with Uyu slowly...EVER so slowly reaching the end of it all and finding out what exactly happened with the brick and the investigator and Lamy is only just getting started with the extreme jumpscares and dancing patrons who make Lamy uncomfortable.
Lamy: might be done with the feasting and drinking but she's still got plenty to say as she reads everyone supachats she's received for the past week. and his team had some rough times during the scrimmage but they still had a good time and showed some impressive moves. The scrimmage is over now and everyone can go home and rest their hands for the day. is STILL obsessed and way into Unpacking, just deciding that he wants to find out where everything needs to go before he rests his ghostly head and get some good sleep for the stream tomorrow., ojisans. You want to know what it looks like when a young and powerful gamer actually shows off his skills? Then it's time for you to check out Oga popping off in Final Fantasy III and finding all of the best grinding spots and hidden treasures to make sure his journey goes smoothly. of the mountains you love are now gone and their insides will be used in Aruran's experiments. Because that's just how he rolls okay? Don't ask questions about what he's doing. Just accept it.>Songs releasedThree years of OkaKoro has passed us you know. In celebration, Okayu and Korone went and sang the song U&I for all of us to get heart palpitations from how cute these two sound together when singing. So go give it a stream as soon as possible if you haven't yet.