^^^Original Song^^^
Calli is a black sheep, Calli is a whore
Calli drinks lean and Calli drinks liquor
Live content is shit and raps are even shitter
Calli, Calli, Calli is a talentless wigger
Yabs surround you, all around you
You cuck your fans and yet they still stay
Do you like Connor's dick inside you?
Are you ready to graduate?
Outside out of hololive
With VSluts and Nijis
Outside out of hololive
Where you deserve to be
Calli is a black sheep, Calli is a whore
Got too drunk to stream and then let Connor dick her
Saw a shitpost meme, and then got really bitter
Calli, Calli, Calli is a talentless wigger
Outside out of hololive
With VSluts and Nijis
Outside out of hololive
Where you deserve to be
How long will cuckbeats stand her behaviour?
How long until they finally see?
Maybe being a cuck's just their nature
That's why they they give her condom money
They lust, and they trust
Mori loves hololive entirely
But your lust is my disgust
Please will you kill yourself Calliope?
Calli Mori is a wigger
D**on**ce and Trash Taste too
K**en S**de** is a wigger
Wigger, wigger, wigger, wigger, wigger, wigger, wigger!
Outside out of hololive
With VSluts and Nijis
Outside out of hololive
Where you deserve to be