GO KIARA GO! She's pulling out all kinds of songs that range all the way back to your teenage days of the 1970s with hits like Country Roads and Mamma Mia and will continue to sing songs throughout the years until she reaches the high paced songs of the 2010s. You're probably getting huge nostalgia hits from remembering that these songs existed when you were a young adult huh? Bet you know all about doing your jitterbug dance move on the dancefloor when you used to be young and spry and could go to clubs and move your body in ways you could only dream of doing now.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffa2u5uJzvQSomeone please give your Elden Ring energy to Flare so she can get past this Big Knight Boss and actually get to playing this game for real because her determination and stubbornness won't allow her to explore the area until this brute is six feet under.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBbhysMp-sQReine and her unga power has once again felled another great beast and for her accomplishment and the fact that she tried to slurp the innards of a fallen guard, she has to deal with this beast of an invader who refuses to allow Reine to get her slurps on when facing against him. Fortunately for Reine, if she doesn't want to fight the bastard then she doesn't have to and that's exactly why she teleported back to the surface to run to her next location while beating the shit out of overworld mooks.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCUstd_n7woOkayu's making some big decisions in the story of Triangle Strategy and it's hurting her soul because most of them involve suffering and pain towards her new friends she's made in this game. You know how Okayu gets when she starts to get invested into the story of the game she plays.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9LaZlCWi1UWatame is currently reading through the supachats she received during her Dino Onesie outfit reveal which means she's getting a little bit closer to her current day supachats except not really. She's got her best DOYA face on though so you know she's having loads of fun talking to Watamates.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTlKbrwy8QUUyu is inches away from crawling his way out of Silver I in Apex Legends and all he needs to do is take some deep breaths and maybe huff some Fantom love for good measure so his nerves will be calmed and he can play with a cool and collected mindset. Go Uyu Go!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy7AzNb-3HkRio's damn glad to be done with the horrific shadow creatures he had to wade through. He's back into the colorful dream world with all his friends trailing behind him and removing obstacles with the power of love and friendship and all that jazz you experience in Omori.