Even though CapSule with Suisei is doing better than her UnAlive MV, the projections for it seem to put it outside of reaching 1 million in the first day of release. Only Gura has ever done such a feat with the help of Mori in 2 MVs: Reflect, King cover wi/ Mori (on her channel), Q w/ Mori (on Mori's channel). The only X factor as to why Q could achieve that, despite being on Mori's channel is that Gura actually put it in her playlist to get more crossover views. Mori still hasn't made a song that has done this on her own. Though, Mori will likely get more back watches in the long run, there is actually a more complicated reason behind that that people rarely bring up.
To try to simply this, Mori and Suisei are favored by youtube in music by recommendations and presentation on their youtube music search than the other Hololive girls. How so? There youtube music directly goes toward their channel MVs instead of the topic version of their songs that the others get. This also applies to recommendations. If you actually look at the recommendations, you'll see that most times, if it isn't Suisei or Mori, it's usually the topic version of original Hololive songs that get recommended over the one of their channel. That's why you get stuff like Marine's topic version of "Ahoy" is at 17 million while the one on her channel is at 13 million. This also applies to Gura whose topic version of Reflect gets recommended over her original song before the MV was released. I think recommendations account for like 30% of the views so you can see how detrimental that can be over a long period of time. This also explains why covers for songs do well over original for a hololive member most times because they don't get fucked by either youtube or cover redirecting it to a topic version because their isn't one for a cover song.
I would think they'd want to have one singular song to gain all the views and not have it so split so they could brag about the views but they haven't changed that now so It's unlikely to change ever. Mori and Suiei I think have produced at least over 25 or 30 original and covers songs each on their channel that I think they get 500k views a day and could easily take a break of not releasing anything for a week or month, no matter how mediocre some of their song outputs can be. That's how much they are favored by youtube.
>>21801427Pretty much the same thing nijiniggers do. They first said it was who was more entertaining but soon as Vox and Luxiem it instantly switched to numbers.