>>21837716>Is there a spooky or scary movie you'd want to watch with Ame?I don't really watch spooky movies but there are a lot of scary games I'd like to play with Ame or watch her play. If I were to choose, it'd probably have to be Dead Silence, since that one has a bit of lore (I tend to like deep story driven stuff with horror)
>What's a mannerism of Ame's that's currently stuck in your head?None at this moment but I will now post my list of archived Ame mannerisms once more since it's been a while. Feel free to update as always
archive of the most memorable Ame mannerisms:
>Kyut~>Dowggie~>Kitty cat!~>hic~>Tell me chat! Or else~>Well, not my problem~>okayyyy~>and theeeeen~>scuuuse meee~>oooo my eyes are itchiiiii~>eh~hehehehehehe~>pleeeeeeeeseee~>aww just like you guys~>awwwlookathim~!>look at how smol is he~!>teamaaaaates~>hiii~hi~test, teeeest~>helloooo, can you guys hear me~>ooooooooo~>goodbyyyyyyye~>you little shit~!>ohmahgawd he's dead~!>thaaank you>thank you for the beeeg superchat>what do I doooo~>one o’ theese~ n’ one o’ theese~>panic no, no, no, noooo~>watdaheeeccckk!>o nyoo~>whaddyameeeean~>don't lookuh~>wooooah is that real you guys? That’s crazy!~>Ogeybaaaaaai~>Button~>that’s weeeeird, you guys don’t do that riiiight~>weirdo~>gaeeeym~>watdafukuh!>it's all your fault~>sawce~