>>2260131>>2260266>>2260312Cover is just incompetent as shit.
Prefacing this with the following:
>1. Chinks going apeshit over Taiwan is stupid as fuck and on them.>2. Coco, nor anyone else deserves the kind of continued vitriol from the chinks, bots or otherwise.>3. HoloCN may have very well not panned out with or without taiwangate happening. With all that being said however, I still believe Cover is ultimately the largest holder of blame in all of this. I want chinks to stop getting mad over the stupidest shit as much as any other person but frankly I don't think there is any force in the world currently that's going to get through to the majority of them given the CCP propaganda machine and even if there was I doubt it would be for the sake of vtubers of all things. Chinks getting mad over taiwan/HK/any number of other little things is nothing new though. There should have immediately been an APB issued to all their talents after the Haato incident warning them of saying anything sensitive. The fact that Ichikara's CN branch is still active to this day is proof that all of this could have been avoided and it doesn't cost their JP talents anything since it's not like people watch Vtubers for political takes to begin with.