Not my own summary, if you liked it, please thank the anon who orignally posted it.
Summary, fix and clarify as needed. Fair warning, she was pretty wound up at the beginning and was generally talking really fast + I was being distracted so I couldn't catch a lot of things.
Tired today, was outside all day doing stuff not to refresh, got irritated by qrts, wants to turn into sasuke, someone says they found out where she lives and she panics, says she'll fight them off with a blow dryer, getting irritated at qrts again, says she will read through them now, someone told her not to write a book, someone comments on how she keeps replying to antis but says she only uses as talk deck material, doesn't know what air comments are and looks it up, getting more irritated and wants to destroy phone and room, she's getting wound up so I missed a lot around here, asks if there's anyone else on the net as straightforward as her, reads a comment saying they understand which makes her happy and appreciates it, comments on the "be an adult" replies and how she feels bad for those people's children, wondering what kind of vtuber she wants to be, maybe muteki (because she's shrugging off antis) or bousou (because people keep saying that?) , says she doesn't want to do cam often so she doesn't get screenshotted doing weird things (like midsneeze or whatever) , says she wants to separate her going wild at antis and being lovey dovey with her viewers somehow, comments on people calling her kitsui saying what if the person they like was like her, happy that people are cheering her on, repeats she doesn't have bad intentions just really straightforward and easily misunderstood, says to call the people who keeps qrting to come watch her streams (instead of saying dumb shit) , had a tasty chicken curry, reads a long comment but notices it wasn't for her midway, complains about matome not waiting before writing, missed this sasuke bit, accidentally muted, cute English I love yous, says her nose is blocked all day, randomly read a Chakra book, reading anti qrts and reacting (humorously), wondering how to say gif, wondering why she keeps getting treated like this, laughs when she can't read a Kanji and looks it up, reports a tweet/comment?, says she has a weak mental but notices she gets stronger when overwhelmed(?) , wants to say to bullied people that they are not wrong, the bullies are, and they should keep living on, wants to write a book with that at the end, actually got offered invites for something?, someone recommended doing videos but wants to write stuff down on paper so it doesn't get delete, ばくろ?talk?, someone say her experience could be useful for other people going through the same thing and she agrees, says even her good morning tweet gets qrts saying don't wake up and she gets pissed, get comments she's starting to respond like a geinin, missed something about jinken? , laughed at someone with the name Wan that has a number one thumbnail, starting to calm down so she asks viewers to kick her into gear, someone bad mouths bakugo and she actually gets too mad so goes to qrts again, wonders who syamusan is, someone suggested crowdfunding for the book but then her name would be revealed so no, got interview offers but there were a lot of weird ones so she didn't respond to anything, missed something about wanting to be with viewers more?, wants to stream forever, comments on people saying えぐ and learns it's a Kansai thing, starting to calm down, might suddenly get pissed again and using the boiled kettle sound as an example, which reminds her of school days and starts getting mad at Makoto, eating mintia with vengeance, start reading random comments, says she should go back to contacting people about her 立ち絵?, starts setting up, says thank you for cute art, can't type in Japanese for some reason but figured it out, says thank you for today, tomorrow will have some more チラ見せ, apologizes for something? wants to do membership stream too, thanks everyone again and ends.