>>22935775Reine during Elden Ring streams are special.
1. She's playing while tired af, always at 11PM or later
2. Reine is a Min maxer, but at the same time hates looking things up on wiki's, which is the ANTI From software kind of mentality.
3. She is using classic Reine Brute Force and gets FURIOUS when it doesn't work. In a souls game, I understand that anger, but she doesn't have the fundamentals in rolling and gameplay to understand what she is doing wrong and instead gets angry at herself and chat, but doesn't know how to express that because she doesn't understand what she is doing wrong.
That's the main issue with those streams. So sadly all she can do now is hit jump and L1 with greatswords, ironically the other broken meta along side Rivers of Blood Users. But in her mind, it's fair?
She is so used to everything dying instantly you can see the frustration in her grow and grow if she takes a single hit.
All emotions and feeling I have had while playing Dark Souls 10 years ago, but I wasn't streaming at the time. I took the time to figure it out and looked up what I didn't understand. But in Reine's case she is flooded with Chat messages by idiots who just got into these games with no fucking idea what the fuck they are talking about.
I am just as angry at her at chat, I am fucking furious. I want to reach into my screen and say SHUT THE FUCK UP, SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT RIVERS OF BLOOD YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS CUNTS. STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT BLOOD FLIES.
All this shit makes me want to scream. So I get Reine's frustration very very well.