>>2420280Eh. Let's be honest, there are a lot of holos to pick from. If you decide to watch Watame chances are you have something in common with her personality wise or interest wise, or both. Especially since she doesn't rack in many viewers so there isn't much of a bandwagon effect.
Since we can assume this is true for at least a decent portion of the audience, I don't think it's too unhealthy. One of the better, if not best, fanbases of hololive.
At the very least it may be a way of living that works for her, you know? I know good people who've killed themselves or started smoking. It's very surprising and likewise depressing. I couldn't imagine anybody disliking them or really living the same without them. I'll project a little and say despite the great love given to her she may not find it elsewhere in life, despite how obviously a good person she seems to us. I mention these people of my self because society can be cruel or distrustful, especially if these people have faults like low self esteem or some form of social anxiety/autism. All things considered she's O.K.A.Y and you shouldn't worry!