>>23611725She found Gura's lost bread loaf but she couldnt help it, she couldn't resist the temptation of tasting atlantean baked goods; the faint, barely perceptible smell of seafood that brings memories of the beach, of building sand castles with one's parents as a child, the hint taste of honey of the crust which mixes perfectly with the salty flavor of the dough and makes one salivate in anticipation.
By the time she regained control of her her senses the bread had been consumed with delight, Amelia was left with a feeling of satisfaction and tranquility such as she had not experienced in years, but then tragedy struck. For the loaf of bread had been cursed by the king of Atlantis himself; if anyone but Gura indulged in it that person would never be able to eat gluten anymore.
And that my friends is the lore of tummy hort.