>>23614219I think that god is omnipotent, without beginning or end and transcends physical reality and as such can be found in most religions which again, I realize probably comes across as incredibly offensive. So no, I'm not a half-serious Christian afraid to call himself one, although I feel like he had a lot of very worthwhile things to say and that there is a lot of value in genuine Christianity for lots of people.
And yes, you will absolutely hate this, but I've read lots of Jewish and Christian texts and commentaries and have found value on both sides. I admittedly don't know much about Islam. I also think Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Shinto, Native American and Mesoamerican religions have stuff worth reading about.
I just truly don't believe that my soul is in peril by not following one faith. I just have faith in the existence of a higher power and try to be kind and helpful to people, and I pray every so often. Again, I mean no offense and I really ask that you don't condescend to me for holding these beliefs; they're mine and I don't proselytize them. I don't encourage people to turn against Christianity and don't even have the influence necessary to do so if that were something I was interested in. As for how I pray, I just know that something is listening when I pray.