http://phlogistic.deviantart.com/art/Pony-Go-Seek-The-Tower-of-Babel-4385090981. Pegasi with flock of birds. (left, center-top)
2. Corrupted Tree of Harmony and Vines of Discord. (left, center-bottom)
3. Noble in bluish-white hold THE ROD. (left, bottom)
4. Isolated Vine of Discord in front of last entry. (left, bottom)
5. Octavia by the river above last entry, (left, bottom-center)
6. Big Mac in watery pit before red brick at tower base above Octavia (left, bottom-center)
7. Apple Tree at base of tower before red gate. (center, bottom)
8. Another vine down the slope around shack by the gate.(center, bottom)
9. The Sapphire Stone ontop a barrel being carried by two men near a wheel crane. (center-right, bottom)
10. AJ on sloped red roof near top of the tower hauling a cart. (center, top)
11. Discord in an archway with scaffolding about four layers from top of tower. (center-right, top)
12. Twilight barely visible in window by woman hanging wash out on level with lots of houses. (center, center-left)