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stop asking for HoloES. It's not a good thing, let us hope it never happens.
Outside of money, which is probably the biggest reason, there are several others too.
First of all, the audience is shit. the kind of weeb that would become invested in this is your average underage sperg coomer that
would do nothing but spam memes constantly and be a facebook tier normie. look at what passes for chat in any misora stream. (also
lol wactor, but that's a separate thread)
Then there's the matter of gear. i saw in another holoES thread some anon saying "it's just an iphone". 90% of latinamericans have
shit computers and can't afford stream-capable hardware.
What's Cover gonna do? shell out 5 or 6 botan style rigs? not happening.
not to mention that would be several different nightmares on its own, were they to agree to something like that.
This isn't even getting into the fact that 90% of latam has shit internet, if they have internet at all. they'll make "once a month" ayame look like a workaholic.
Then there's talent. I'm pretty sure the only time Cover accepted walk-ins was Gen2 and then never again, and walk-ins are pretty
much all there is around here. Their other options being:
pick a bunch of twitch 2views who will either flake, cave under pressure and go full menhera 1 month in, or get graduated because they bring even less people thanthey did before.
Nimu and her orbiters. They'll turn ES gen 1 into stacy central and be at each other's throats 6 monts in. or they'll all brigade some
other talent they dislike because she's singlehandedly better than them at everything.
Emberlith. I'm sure all her furry pedo baiting will go over well at Cover...
Poach whatever's left of Amai Direct.
Their only "noteworthy" talent is apparently going to wactor, also rumored to be a stacy.
Poach Nateyo's mexican crew. Watch them become less interesting than Sana.
Hana Yomeguri. Indie makes good, she's got some decent numbers.
Then cover doesn't let her react to shit horny memes and all she thinks of doing is mind numbing minecraft talk streams in a deserted ES server. Bye bye numbers.
Not to mention the difference in work and overall culture, and the fact these bitches are going to start piling one yab on top of the
other because they're bored and can't leave well enough alone.
At its most, HoloES needs to be some sort of ascended meme when, eventually, they get an EN/ES bilingual for a future HoloEN gen or
some ES/JP for HoloJP (Sono Fuyuhara maybe?), but what it should really be is just a memory of the time Coco was around and would do memey duolingo streams and say "putas" a whole bunch.
let this be the last thread for this anons. you don't want this shit in your life,trust me.