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/vnug/ - V&U General

No.24070889 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Cute Half-Elf Edition.

Welcome to V&U General, a thread for discussion of Virtual & Universe.

>Who's Virtual & Universe ?
A Korean based agency, it's first gen talents just debuted and are:
>Penelope Wiseman - Half-Elf Loli, condensed cuteness, REALLY likes music and singing, she's good at it too, maybe asmr, hidden toxic. (Under stress: Klutz)
>Etherna Helen - NPC Fire Spirit, pretty friendly, she's giving huge gaming pal / couch potato vibes and her words filtering is a bit low, prankster and twin of Celine. (Under stress: Flustered )
>Etherna Celine - NPC Water Spirit, Nee-san with GFE character design but she's really close to a Konosuba Aqua, happy go lucky and gamer girl, twin of Helen. (Under stress: Panicky)
>Liora Walkyria - Mommy Valkyrie, she's sassy, and nerdy, her char design is SO FUCKING COOL, the true gfe, protector knight and simp for Penelope, there's no way she isn't /here/ (Under stress: Giggles)

Previous thread: >>23906959