I want to make a clip of her singing Cirnos perfect math class from the latest karaoke but put in her dads singing baka baka in the background because it is missing from the karaoke version she played. I think it can be fun. She also said that she wanted us to sing along that part with her so this is a way that you can sing with your daughter as she asked!
https://youtu.be/5wFDWP5JwSM This is the original music video, what I want you to do is sing the "baka baka" from 0:22 to 0:42 as well as the tututtuturu at 0:42-0:45. Then the other baka baka part at 1:40 to 2:02 (and the tutututuru part). If your're confused it's all the male parts.
If you want to listen to her version that I'm going to put your voices over its here
https://youtu.be/BZR64EF3cI4?t=3289 at 54:50
This is going to be a little cringe but that is part of the charm and I think it will be fun. Send over the voice clip with vocaroo or other service in 1 file with both parts or 2 files with one part each in a reply to this post. If atleast 5 dads sends in something I will make this happen and I promise that everyone that sends in something will get into the video.
Come on dads, it's not hard, it's under a minute of singing a lyric that requires no skill, do it for your daughter!