>>24269297The final battle will start with Myth separated (because why would they ever collab unless if they were forced at gunpoint?) and fighting AO's minions, each on their own battlefield spread throughout the destroyed city.
Mori, being the most headstrong and brash, would have quickly gotten herself in over her head and surrounded by AOs minions. Calling for her deadbeats, an army of skeletons would rise from the ground beneath them, grabbing onto and slowing down any of AO's minions that they could get their hands on, allowing Mori to clean them up and break the ranks to escape.
Kiara would obviously be in the air, combating AO's airborne armies, but would also be the most capable of attacking encampments that are trying to shore up their defenses. She'd resort to hit and run tactics, using the tall buildings and rubble to obfuscate any attempts to get a lock on her exact location.
Gura meanwhile will be patrolling the shoreline, creating not only a defensive position so that none of AO's reinforcements can enter the city, but so that none can escape. Gura herself wouldn't have been able to come up with such a cutthroat plan though, and it's revealed that she and Gawr are tag-teaming the fight.
Ina would be descending into the heart of AO's church. From the book she carries, she has been informed that the only way to seal AO away lies at the bottom of the church, at the altar it was once summoned at, many years ago. As she begins her ritual, AO's forces begin to break into the stronghold and close in on the shrine.
Ame, standing at the edge of the battlefield, overlooks a towering spire. This is the outside of the church Ina has descended into. As part of the plan, when the ritual is completed, someone has to be present at the top of spire to remove the phylactery housing AO's soul. Staring at her watch, the seconds tick until it's finally time for her to make her move. Freezing and continuing the flow of time, Ame quickly blips in and out of existence as she ascends the tower, avoiding as much direct confrontation as possible, being the most mortal of the five.
As the battle wages on, Mori, Kiara, and Gura find themselves simultaneously reunited and surrounded by AO's forces. They begin a three-pronged attack when a loud gong can be heard coming from the church. It's 12 noon, the time at which the ritual must be completed. Below the church, Ina is finishing the ritual while simultaneously defending herself from the few minions that have broken through her defenses. Ina shouts over their radio that she's almost done, when a large toothy grin appears from her book and begins laughing. As the gonging stops, the only sound that remains is the cackling. Atop the spire, Ame is reaching for the phylactery, when the entire building explodes.
Seeing Ina's body flung into the air and plummeting, Kiara manages to break through the enemy line and catch her. She's severely beaten up, but otherwise only unconscious. Ame is no where to be found however, and as the girls all meet up at the base of what was once the tower, a pitch black shadow begins to emerge from the rubble and encompass everything around them.
Ame is barely holding onto consciousness as she stands up in the ruined building around her. Surprisngly, the rooftop where the phylactery was being held, was completely undamaged, as if something was protecting it specifically when the explosion went off. From the small chest, she can see a dark void overflowing, the source of the shadow taking over. Ina slowly awakens and musters enough strength to say that they were tricked. At this point, all five girls know that they've failed. AO has awoken.
Sinking into despair, the four girls outside the ruins are completely hopeless and without any recourse. They can hear a crackling coming from their radios. It's Amelia. She says there might be one chance to fix all of this. They quickly as her how, but are met with radio silence. Ame walks over to the edge of ruins and looks back at the girls who can now see her, the ground crumbling away further separating the group from her. She reaches into her coat pocket and pulls out a pure white crystal. She opens the face of the pocket watch and inserts the crystal into it. She says that she was told "when all hope seems lost, use this to bring light back to a world filled with darkness". The watch begins to glow and screech, pulsating with a new and mysterious power. Despite seeing this for the first time, almost instinctively she understands what this new power will allow her to do. She looks back at rest Myth, making eye contact with each of them, before turning back and staring down the void directly. Holding the pocket watch up, she instantly vanishes, as the darkness engulfs everything and everyone around it.
The end. I'm going to take a nap before the next stream.