>>24393819Hewwo! OwO my name is dw. Gwenn piewce, and by now u may have weawized that aww of this has happened exactwy the way it was suwpposed to.
youw see, evewyone who comes to the instituwte does so becauwse they feew that they awe no wongew in contwow of something impowtant to them.
buwt, mowe often than not, the pwobwem is not that the pwobwems we face can't be sowved:
the pwobwem is that we become so afwaid of faiwuwwe that we wefuwse to see ouww pwobwems fwom a new pewspective.
and so we do the same things again and again and again.
and thewein, of couwwse, we find exactwy the faiwuwwe we wewe wooking fow.
youww wife wiww awways be a stwuwggwe and u wiww awways have pwobwems.
buwt today, u had the chance to see things diffewentwy.
even thouwgh it meant facing obstacwes that seemed impossibwe at fiwst, u thouwght ouwtside the box - and u ovewcame them.
becauwse u saw things fwom evewy angwe, u uwndewstood them fow what they weawwy wewe.
becauwse u kept moving fowwawd, no mattew how faw off the path u wewe towd u wewe headed, ow how uwnexpected it became...
...Youw fouwnd uw way.
in a few minuwtes, u'ww be back in the weaw wowwd, and some pawt of u wiww say that none of this was weaw:
so how couwwd it have weawwy meant anything? UwU
buwt, juwst wike the powew of pewspective itsewf - it wiww have been as weaw as u bewieved it to be.
aww u've got to do is