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No.24486230 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Twent years from now, you will accidentally stumble upon the song again, and you will be hit with a wave of emotion, and be unable to keep the tears from falling.
You will remember Elira Pendora, the undisputed queen of the branch, and the kindest and most compassionate of them all.
You will remember Pomu Rainpuff, and her unpreditable antics, that never failed to entertain one way or another.
You will remember Finana Ryuugu, and how her constant yabs and brattiness only seemed to make her more endearing, like a little sister you can't stay mad at for too long.

And you will remember their counterparts. Elira's evil sister, who matched Elira's goodness for villainy in equal amounts. Pomu's well rooted forebearer, whose subtly planted memes always seemed to compete for attention against Pomu's unplanned schemes. Finana's fellow aquatic, who matched her perfectly in bratiness and poor reputation, but never failed to draw in vocal unity for her talented piano streams.

These figures will all fade from your mind sooner than you may believe. Some will graduate on good terms. Some will commit an atrocious yab, and forever stain themselves in your mind. Some will go ghost. Some will die.

You will reach these twenty years in no time at all, and wonder why you can't stop the tears when you listen to this song. After all, you haven't cried in years. And anyway, they were just stupid whores pretending to be anime girls for money.
But you watched them knowing that, didn't you? They were funny, and cute, and entertaining. It was fun talking about their drama, watching their peak kino streams with the rest of the fans, and suffering through the bad content out of love. These silly, incompetent, purehearted girls made you feel something, didn't they?

Twenty years from now, perhaps you have found someone to love in the real world. Perhaps its your kids, a dog, your wife. Perhaps you have nobody, and you are contemt with that. In any case, you're happy. At least, you think you are. But now suddenly, you stumble upon this song again, and somehow something seems missing now.

You wish you could go back to the 2020s, even though you thought that period in your life was the worst you could ever feel. And you hate how you took for granted those days, and spent more time upset about things that didn't matter, rather than just enjoying. You never realized that your everyday life could one day crumble, and that suddenly everything would change.

So whether you watch Nijisanji, Hololive, VOMS, Prism Project, Tsunderia, or indies, please cherish the time you have with them. Please love and appreciate your oshi as much as they love and appreciate you. After all, they too are taking for granted the time that they have with you.