>>24852355>but it undoubtedly plays a role.Sure, but the greatest deciding factor in something like this is ultimately luck and timing.
But there are lots of little things you can do to ever so slightly adjust the odds, which I think is the smart way to go about it.
>>24852417> If my hard work matters less than resorting to a cheap trick, what's the point of working hard, then?I don't understand why you're acting like this an either or situation, it annoys me to no end that the discussion of numbers on this board is so poisoned by schizo's who believe that numbers are somehow an indicator of the actual quality of a streamer that some have to decided to go the other way and reject numbers entirely.
It's not that the quality of the song doesn't matter, and it's not that BIG NUMBERS=GOOD SMALL NUMBERS=BAD is the most important thing to me, it's a matter of compartmentalization, I can both enjoy the merits and quality of something independent of it's commercial success, but also simultaneously care about how well it's doing.
Kiara is a terrific workaholic who puts everything in to making sure the content she provides for her audience is good and I love her for that, but she always takes the harder route instead of the smarter route, when she COULD do both, but chooses not to out of pride.
>Also somewhat related: I've yet to see proof that streaming on the same day hinders the growth of another video, it's all based on hearsay from some anons on this board. Not even a single comparision was made with clear numbers.I don't deny this, that could very well be true, I'm mostly working off of an assumption. You can assume it's not true and dismiss what I've said if you want.