Straight from /t/, for anyone interested
How to download nico archive streams using minyami (I'm assuming you are using windows):
Step 1: Install scoop
Scoop is a command line installer (, it allows us to easily install certain command line tools we are gonna use here. We are going to use this to install some stuff minyami is going to need.
1.1) Open PowerShell, execute: (This allows powershell to install stuff from the internet that is remotely signed)
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
ii) Continue execute: (This will install scoop)
iwr -useb | iex
Step 2: Installing minyami
i) Nodejs
scoop install nodejs
ii) openssl (This may take some time, you may need to click up on the powershell window occasionally to nudge it)
scoop install openssl
iii) Minyami
npm install minyami -g
Step 3: Install the chrome extension 4: Actually using minyami
Go to the nicovideo stream archive. Choose the highest quality and refresh the page. Have the stream start playing. Click on the chrome extension. It should give you a command for you to copy.
(Something like minyami -d "
Copy this command, run it on powershell. It should start downloading the stream now.
(Do not share the copied command to anyone else, it contains a token for your login session at nicovideo, which is how minyami is able to download the archive)
Note that this will download the stream in .ts format, you can use a tool like ffmpeg or vlc to convert it to .mp4 etc.
Lytexx himself also shared how he did it:
my how-to for ripping nnd timeshifts that i dumped in the /t/ thread
first you need nodejs, go tohttps:// download and install it, it doesn't matter if you use LTS or Current
open cmd, if you don't know how to do that ask google, type npm -g i minyami and press enter (repohttps://
go to the timeshift you want to download, now keep in mind that you have to keep the page open until your download is done, or it will break
press F12 to open the dev console, go to the network tab and in the filter text box type m3u8
pause the video and skip to 00:00, there should be a few results in your dev console now, click on the lowest one starting with playlist.m3u8 (not master.m3u8)
in the new window that pops up copy the long url starting with something similar to and ending with &start=0
go back to the cmd window and start the download with minyami -d "<m3u8>" where <m3u8> is the m3u8 url from your dev console, the quotation marks around the url are important
this will download the vod and output it as output.ts in the folder you are in with cmd, which is usually C:\Users\anon\
you can change this by using the --output option, as example if you want minyami to put the file in your downloads folder you can use minyami --output "C:\Users\anon\Downloads\output.ts"-d "<m3u8>" again the quotation marks are important
to losslessly convert ts to mp4 use ffmpeg
ffmpeg -i output.ts -c copy -movflags faststart "output.mp4"