>>25044420>is time travel restricted to the same timeline, or can she travel between alternate timelines/dimensionsShe's able to hop between dimensions, the most explicit proof of this being her birthday stream where buffson comes through a portal (other Ames can do it) and in "smol Ame visits the office" where she sends smol Ame to her own timeline (Ame can forcefully eject a person from a timeline)
>if she is restricted to a single timeline, does she have to ensure a perfect loop, or is she free to create paradoxes to meet her end goalNo info regarding this as far as I can remember.
although my theory is that the timeline nuke button works by forcing a paradox in a particular timeline>how far back can she travel?The farthest she's implied was dinosaurs age, "the dinosaurs had to go" in her own words. Might depend on her "time batteries"
>can she travel FORWARD in time beyond the point at which she left?She can, she said multiple times she has some gadgets from the future
This is obviously all Ame's addition to her own lore, if you take this as the basis for canon Haachama would be the most powerful holo, Bae is still the most powerful one going by official lore