>>25240642I feel bad for the fujos, like Vox has for months been going out of his way to please them and she can't resist taking the chance to dunk on them all to remind them "you're all here paying money but I can actually-talk to him whenever I want :)" kind of passive-aggressive bitch move. It's another form of punching down at your audience.
I really don't get why vtubers have such fucking enormous egos and attitudes about this kind of thing, I would guess it's because the avatar and psuedo-anonymity gives them more nerve to talk more shit because it's not "really" them talking and it seems like 90% of the EN sphere's vtubers are actual literal total frauds entirely in this for money who never gave a fucking rrat's ass about Japanese culture much less vtubers in specific before this. But we already knew that. It just sucks that they let the mask slip and a lot of the audience is too timid, dumb or both to request even a little fucking grain of professionalism here.
Vox going off about "I'm not actually a demon and you're not really my girlfriend" is just missing the fucking point. It's like an actor getting some flak for something messing up his performance and going "you know I'm not REALLY a cowboy right haha why do you losers expect me to perform to spec all the time" and this applies to every other vtuber going "pfft why do you care if I break the illusion or not pfft what losers" - it's the fucking peak of amateur incompetence and they're bluffing you, the audience, into believing it's somehow your fault when they have clear issues pop up. It's not.