It's always like this, people don't like the new haachama, people don't like the new okayu, people don't like the new this, people don't like the new that.
Why haven't you taken a step back and just think for a bit, what if they enjoy it? What if it makes them happy? Even as an act, an act can bring someone joy as a firm of escapism.
You're not supposed to be your true self as a chuuba, you can be and there's nothing wrong with that but if you want to put on an act that makes you as a chuuba feel happier doing this, then by all fucking means you should do it.
Haachama became more of what she actually is and stopped the whole cutesy act and simply accepted the fact that she's retarded, okayu on the other hand wants to just give herself a new form, try out something new that she might like and seems to have liked so far, I see no problem with a chuuba enjoying the fact that her fans list for her like maniacs, and even if she doesn't put up an act... It's not like that will stop the fans from drooling like mutts, haatons for example will want to breed and fuck haachama regardless of what she does, and I know for a God damn fact that onigiryaa are the same.